Inaka Life in Japan

In Japanese, "Inaka" means rural.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Magic Eye

Ever since 6th grade, I haven’t been able to see those stupid magic-eye things. But I’ve been sitting around the office looking at these magic-eye fans and I finally got it! I can now proudly say that I can see a teddy bear, two penguins, and a turtle! (As unrewarding as this may seem), I am extremely excited! Once I could see it, I (of course) wanted to know how it works and if I can make my own. “Magic Eye” the company does not sell software that you can make your own creations, but I did find a German program that will run on windows. I’m actually much more worried about the program being in German than anything else. Whilst doing my research, I also found out the reason that I probably couldn’t see them for so long. According to, “People with impaired depth perception or people who have one eye which is extremely dominant (as in amblyopia) will have more difficulty seeing the image.” I’m going to go ahead and write this one off on my left eye dominance (which I’m now beginning to think is much more dominant than any normal person’s). Anyway, we’ll see if I can make any magic eye pictures myself. If I can, and you’re able to see them on computer screens, I’ll post them.


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